Foundation Wax in Australia: What You Need to Know Before You Build

Foundation wax is an essential component of any building structure, particularly in Australia, where the unique climate and environmental conditions can cause significant damage to foundations. Establishment wax is a protective coating that is applied to the foundation walls and floors to protect against moisture and termite damage, increase durability, and extend the life of the foundation.

Australia has a unique climate that can be harsh on building structures. The country is known for its high humidity, torrential rains, and termite infestations. As a result, the foundations of buildings in Australia are particularly vulnerable to damage from moisture and termites. This is where Establishment wax comes in to provide a protective layer that can prevent such damage.

What is Establishment Wax?

Establishment wax is a waterproofing and termite-proofing treatment that is applied to the foundation walls and floors of a building. The primary purpose of Establishment wax is to provide a protective layer that can prevent moisture and termite damage to the foundation.

Types of Establishment wax available:

There are various types of Establishment wax available in Australia, and the choice of the type of wax will depend on several factors, including the type of foundation, the local climate, and the level of protection required. Some of the most common types of Establishment wax available in Australia include:

  • Bitumen-based Establishment wax: This type of Establishment wax is a popular choice in Australia and is used to protect foundations against moisture damage. It is made from bitumen, which is a sticky, black, and highly viscous material.
  • Polymer-based Establishment wax: This type of Establishment wax is made from synthetic polymers and is known for its flexibility, durability, and water resistance.
  • Epoxy-based Establishment wax: This type of Establishment wax is made from an epoxy resin and is known for its exceptional strength and resistance to chemicals.

How it works:

Establishment wax is applied to the foundation walls and floors in a thick layer using a brush or roller. Once applied, it creates a waterproof barrier that prevents moisture from penetrating the foundation. The wax also contains insecticides that can repel or kill termites, preventing them from damaging the foundation.

In addition to its waterproofing and termite-proofing properties, Establishment wax can also provide additional benefits such as increased durability and reduced risk of foundation cracks. By sealing the foundation, it can prevent soil erosion, which can weaken the foundation and cause cracks to develop.

The Benefits of Establishment Wax in Australia

Establishment wax is an essential component in building construction in Australia due to its numerous benefits. Below are some of the advantages of Establishment Wax:

Protection against moisture damage:

In Australia, high humidity and heavy rainfall can lead to moisture damage in building foundations. This can cause significant damage to the building structure, leading to costly repairs. Establishment wax acts as a protective barrier, preventing moisture from penetrating the foundation and causing damage.

Protection against termite damage:

Termites are a common problem in Australia and can cause extensive damage to buildings. Establishment wax contains insecticides that repel or kill termites, preventing them from damaging the foundation.

Increased durability:

Establishment wax can increase the durability of the foundation by preventing cracks and erosion caused by moisture and termites. Sealing the foundation, it provides a protective layer that can extend its life of the foundation.


Applying Establishment wax is a cost-effective preventive measure that can save homeowners from expensive repairs caused by moisture and termite damage. According to a report by the CSIRO, the cost of repairing termite damage to Australian homes is approximately $3 billion annually. Applying Establishment wax is a more affordable option than repairing termite damage.

Environmental benefits:

Establishment wax is an eco-friendly option that can help reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals used to control termite infestations. It is also a sustainable option as it can extend the life of the foundation, reducing the need for frequent repairs.


When should Establishment wax be applied?

Foundation wax should be applied during the initial construction phase of a building. It should be applied to the foundation walls and any other exposed concrete or masonry surfaces. Applying Establishment wax during the construction phase ensures that the building is protected from moisture and termite damage from the start.

It is also recommended to reapply for Establishment wax every few years as a preventative measure. This is especially important in areas with high humidity and heavy rainfall, such as in northern and coastal regions of Australia, where moisture damage and termite infestations are more common.

Homeowners can also consider applying Establishment wax during renovation or repair work that involves exposing the foundation walls. It is important to note that Establishment wax should not be applied to wet surfaces, as this can cause the wax to not adhere properly.

How to apply Establishment Wax in Australia

Applying Establishment wax is a simple process that can be done during the initial construction phase or renovation and repair work. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply Establishment Wax in Australia.

Clean the surface:

Before applying Establishment wax, it is important to clean the surface thoroughly. Any dirt, debris, or loose materials can affect the adhesion of the wax. Use a wire brush or pressure washer to remove any dirt, debris, or loose materials from the surface.

Apply the primer:

Apply a primer to the surface to help the Establishment wax adhere properly. The primer should be applied using a paintbrush or roller, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Apply the Establishment wax:

Once the primer has dried, apply the Establishment wax to the surface. The wax should be applied using a paintbrush or roller, following the manufacturer’s instructions. It is essential to apply the wax in thin, even coats to ensure proper coverage.

Allow the wax to dry:

After applying the Establishment wax, allow it to dry completely. The drying time will depend on the temperature and humidity levels. It is recommended to wait at least 24 hours before applying a second coat or proceeding with any further construction work.

Reapply as needed:

Establishment wax should be reapplied every few years to ensure continued protection against moisture and termite damage. When reapplying, it is important to follow the same process as outlined above, starting with cleaning the surface and applying a primer.


Establishment wax is an essential element for protecting buildings against moisture and termite damage. In Australia, where the climate can be humid and prone to termite infestation, the Establishment wax is even more critical. By applying foundation wax to the foundation of a building, homeowners can ensure that their homes are protected against moisture and termite damage.

Applying Establishment wax requires careful attention to detail, from cleaning the surface to applying thin, even coats of polish. Homeowners should follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and seek professional help if necessary. It is also important to reapply Establishment Wax every few years to ensure continued protection.

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