How to Burn Out Bad Cholesterol From Your Body

How to Burn Out Bad Cholesterol From Your Body

A high-fat diet and lifestyle can cause bad cholesterol to build up in your body. This is one of the most common causes of heart disease, and is often considered a “silent killer.”

Eating a healthy diet is crucial for reducing your risk of heart attack or stroke. It helps lower your blood pressure, decreases your cholesterol and helps you lose weight and stay healthier.

Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, can help you reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol that clogs your arteries. These fats also help to reduce the amount of inflammation that can occur in your arteries.

Avoiding foods that contain saturated and trans fats is another step in reducing your cholesterol levels. This includes avoiding fried foods, microwave popcorn and packaged food that contains partially hydrogenated oils, like cookies and pastries.

Try eating more fruit, veggies and whole grains. They contain soluble fiber, which can help to flush out excess cholesterol in your body.

Soluble fiber can be found in oats, beans, peas, citrus fruits, apples, strawberries and whole grains. Adding these fiber-rich foods to your meals can help to keep bad cholesterol out of your body and increase good cholesterol.

Drinking plenty of water can also help you to reduce your cholesterol levels by flushing out toxins that may be stored in your body. It can also help you to feel full and energized, so you’re less likely to overeat.

Exercise is another important aspect of keeping your cholesterol low and preventing heart disease. Even a moderate workout can improve your cardiovascular health, says Dr. Martin, adding that brisk walking and jogging can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Exercising also increases your HDL levels, which are the “good” cholesterol that help to clear plaque from your arteries. The more HDL you have, the lower your chances of developing heart disease and stroke.

The American Heart Association recommends a regular physical activity of at least 30 minutes five days a week for most adults. It’s also a good idea to incorporate strength training into your routine. This will boost your metabolic rate, maintain an efficient fat-burning rate and increase muscle tone and endurance.

Getting your recommended daily dose of vegetables and fruit is also very important for heart health, especially when combined with other healthier foods. These nutrient-rich foods are rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, which all work to keep your body healthy and prevent heart disease.

You can also include other healthy foods in your diet, such as nuts, seeds, avocados and whole grains. These nutrient-rich foods are low in saturated and trans fats, so they can help to lower your cholesterol levels while also providing other essential nutrients for your heart.

Flaxseeds, in particular, can help to lower your cholesterol levels because they can increase the level of soluble fiber in your system. Including 30 grams of flaxseeds per day can help to prevent your arteries from clogging and reducing inflammation that can lead to a heart attack.

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