Elements of Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia is the peak body that represents engineers in Australia for Stage 1 Competency. It is a professional organization that serves engineers by promoting excellence in engineering education, professional development, and the practice of engineering. One of Engineers Australia’s core functions is to assess the competencies of engineers who wish to migrate to Australia or obtain a professional engineering license. In this article, we will explore the elements of Stage 1 competency assessment for Engineers Australia.


The competency assessment process for Engineers Australia is designed to evaluate the qualifications and experience of engineers who want to work in Australia. The process involves two stages, Stage 1 and Stage 2. Stage 1 is a desktop assessment of an engineer’s qualifications and experience, while Stage 2 is a more detailed assessment that includes a written test and an interview.

Stage 1 Competency Assessment

The purpose of the Stage 1 assessment is to determine if an engineer’s qualifications and experience are comparable to the Australian engineering standards. The assessment process involves the following elements:

1. Academic Qualifications

Engineers Australia requires all applicants to have completed an accredited engineering qualification that is equivalent to an Australian bachelor’s degree in engineering. The degree must have been completed in a recognized institution and must be relevant to the nominated occupation.

2. Relevant Work Experience

Applicants must have relevant work experience in their nominated occupation. Engineers Australia defines relevant work experience as work that involves the application of engineering principles and knowledge. The work must have been performed under the supervision of a professional engineer and must be verifiable.

3. Continuing Professional Development

Engineers Australia requires applicants to demonstrate ongoing professional development. Applicants must provide evidence of their participation in relevant professional development activities, such as attending conferences, workshops, and seminars.

4. Professional References

Applicants must provide at least two professional references that can attest to their work experience and competencies. The references must be from professional engineers who have supervised the applicant’s work.

5. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

The CDR is a critical component of the Stage 1 assessment. It is a document that demonstrates an engineer’s competencies in their nominated occupation. The CDR must include a summary statement, three career episodes, and a continuing professional development record.


Stage 1 competency assessment for Engineers Australia is an essential step for engineers who want to migrate to Australia or obtain a professional engineering license. It is a rigorous process that evaluates an engineer’s qualifications, work experience, professional development, and competencies. By following the guidelines and submitting a well-prepared CDR, an engineer can increase their chances of success in the assessment process.


  1. How long does the Stage 1 competency assessment process take? The processing time for a Stage 1 assessment can vary, depending on the number of applications received and the complexity of the assessment. On average, it takes 4-6 weeks to process a Stage 1 assessment.
  2. What is the passing mark for Stage 1 competency assessment? There is no passing mark for the Stage 1 assessment. Engineers Australia assesses each application individually based on the evidence provided by the applicant.
  3. Can I submit a CDR written by someone else? No, the CDR must be written by the applicant. The CDR is a document that demonstrates an engineer’s competencies, and it must be based on the applicant’s work experience and achievements.
  4. What is the role of a professional engineer in the Stage 1 assessment process? A professional engineer can provide a reference for an applicant and supervise their work experience. Professional engineers play an essential role in ensuring the quality of engineering work and promoting the profession’s standards.

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