CPD Owl Review


CPD Owl is an online learning platform that provides access to a diverse range of courses and materials from expert instructors. It is an excellent way for professionals to expand their knowledge and gain new skills.

The platform’s expert instructors regularly update their courses and ensure that users receive the most up-to-date information possible. Moreover, the platform’s flexible learning options and supportive community of professionals make it easy for users to fit education into their busy lives.

Curated learning content

CPD Owl curates a number of courses and materials from top instructors, allowing users to get the most out of their education. This curated learning content is designed to help professionals advance their careers and improve their skillsets in an engaging and convenient way.

The platform also enables users to earn verifiable CPD hours, making it an ideal choice for professionals looking to meet their continuing professional development requirements. To do this, the company tracks users’ content views and tests their knowledge retention through quizzes.

As an added bonus, CPD Owl is also a great place to network with other professionals. This community of like-minded individuals can provide valuable resources, advice, and guidance as users work towards achieving their career goals. With its curated learning content, convenient online learning options, and supportive community, CPD Owl makes it easy for professionals to achieve their goals while staying on the cutting edge of their industries. This is especially true in today’s fast-paced world of change and disruption.

Convenient online learning

CPD Owl offers a variety of convenient online learning options that make it easy for professionals to learn on their own time and schedule. With access to top-quality educational content and a supportive community of professionals, users can customize their learning experience to achieve their professional goals on their terms.

The platform’s curated learning content is taught by expert instructors who bring their wealth of knowledge to the table. This ensures that users receive the most up-to-date and relevant education possible.

Furthermore, users can earn verifiable CPD hours on the platform, making it easy to demonstrate their commitment to professional development and advance their careers. By tracking content views and assessing knowledge retention through quizzes, CPD Owl tracks users’ progress and awards them with certificates of completion that they can use towards their CPD hours.

Online learning is also more convenient than traditional face-to-face courses as there are no commuting or parking costs to consider. This allows professionals to study at their most optimum time of day, which can be crucial for those who have busy schedules and need to balance work and family commitments.

Verifiable CPD hours

CPD Owl offers professionals a convenient and cost-effective way to boost their knowledge and skillset while earning verifiable CPD hours. The platform provides access to top-quality courses and learning materials taught by expert instructors, enabling users to expand their knowledge and stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

Aside from curated learning content, CPD Owl also offers a wide variety of educational tools and resources to help users meet their professional development goals on their own terms. This includes live webinars every month, workshops compliant with GOsC guidelines and Osteo WellBeing sessions.

Members are required to complete a prescribed minimum number of CPD hours each year, and 60 verifiable CPD hours over a rolling three-year period. Of the 60 verifiable CPD hours, at least 50% of the time must be based on activities that result in documentation which an outside party can verify.

On-the-job training related to a major change in job responsibilities, involvement in special projects or significant learning of new software, systems, procedures and techniques qualifies for verifiable CPD hours as long as the supporting documentation is available to confirm participation. Other types of learning activities that do not qualify for verifiable CPD hours include casual reading and general instruction.

Supportive community of professionals

CPD Owl is more than a curated platform for learning materials. It also offers an engaging and supportive community of professionals who share their passion for learning and career development. Users can join group discussions, connect with peers and engage in networking events to boost their career satisfaction.

The company has done its research and compiled an impressive list of educational offerings that will have you buzzing about your newfound knowledge. With a team of expert teachers and course designers, CPD Owl is able to produce high-quality courses and materials for their users.

CPD Owl has also made it easy for professionals to meet their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements with their verifiable CPD hours. This makes the curated content and learning materials on the site a worthwhile investment for professionals looking to up their game. The best part is, with a little planning, they can make their professional development dreams a reality without breaking the bank.

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