How To Draft Effective Conclusion For Academic Assignment ?


A conclusion paragraph puts a formal end to your academic assignment. It tells the reader that you have now reached the end of the rope, and it is time to summarise the essential findings and ideas. Writing an effective conclusion for assignments is considered to be the most difficult part of assignment writing. The reason is that it requires extreme analytical and writing skills so that you can close your conversation on the topic well.

As you are here reading this article, it means you do not possess such skills and want to learn some tips and tricks to write a conclusion for assignments. Well, you have reached the article you were looking for. In today’s post, we will unpack the most effective tips and tricks to conclude the assignments. So, let’s get started.

Top tips and tricks to draft effective conclusion

A conclusion section of an academic assignment is difficult to write, but it is worth investing your time in. No other section of an academic assignment influences the reader as much as a strong written conclusion does. In simple words, the conclusion is your last chance to have the last word on your subject and make a good impression. Hence, the top tips and tricks to craft effective conclusion for assignments are as follows:

1. Start with a topic sentence

The topic sentence is the opening sentence of any paragraph. This sentence tells the reader what information he should expect by reading the following lines. When writing a conclusion, you must start by crafting a topic sentence. Restating the thesis statement once again at the start of the conclusion is a good topic sentence. It opens the discussion nicely and reminds the reader of what he is reading and why. Hence, start with a topic sentence always.

2. Include the key elements

A conclusion is basically the end of your academic assignment. It is short, concise, and to the point. So, you cannot add many details to this part. Hence, after the reiteration of the thesis statement, start the inclusion of the key elements. It could be a result that you have obtained after research, or it could be a new idea that you have developed after writing your assignment. Whatever it is, just pen it down in the conclusion section.

3. Move from specific to general

When choosing an assignment topic, you mostly move from general to specific. However, this is not the case with a conclusion for assignments. When you are writing a conclusion, you move from specific to general. The reason is that the results of your assignment should be applicable to the whole population. As a student, you should structure your assignment’s conclusion so that the thesis statement represents the specific aspect and the recommendations in the conclusion point to the general aspect. However, if you cannot structure the conclusion this way, make sure to hire an assignment help UK.

4. Do not include new information

The conclusion section is not the place to add new information. If you have a new piece of information, go and include it in the relevant section of the assignmnt. In the conclusion section, you only need to include what you have discussed and what you have obtained after researching and studying the research problem. Hence, avoid providing any new source, reference, or piece of information in the conclusion.

5. Avoid formulaic language

Beginner or inexperienced writers usually use stock phrases to start the conclusion, e.g., In conclusion, to conclude, or to sum up. These phrases are now too old to include in a conclusion for assignmnt. This is also known as formulaic language. As the writer, you must avoid this kind of language. A good idea for starting your conclusion is to use transitional words and transitional aspects of your thesis statement. The use of such words fluidly moves the reader from the final body paragraph to the conclusion paragraph.

6. Be fair and concise

The conclusion section has a very limited word count. You cannot paint paper black with the ink of your pen for writing the conclusion for assignments. The reason is that a conclusion is a summarised section. Hence, you should be concise in your writing. Fairness means being fair to your conclusion. As the writer of the assignment, you should introduce any kind of bias that you have experienced and discuss the limitations of your academic assignment. Hence, you should be fair and concise in your conclusion.


Conclusively, a conclusion is the last section of your academic asssignment. Writing a conclusion for assignments is difficult when you do not know the tips and tricks to write it. Therefore, we have discussed the top tips and tricks to write a conclusion in this guidepost. So, follow them and write your assignment conclusion accordingly.